
有各种各样的因素会影响你家的供水. 井水质量, 可能的污染和老化的供水系统只是其中的一部分. 每家的水质都不一样, and there are noticeable differences in how the water tastes, 气味, 感觉和工作.

Some water problems are not as obvious as others. 但在每种情况下, to accurately diagnose your home’s water issues, we will need to investigate further and test your water.


当水穿过土壤和岩石时,它会溶解少量的天然矿物质, 特别是钙和镁. 这些矿物质使你的水“变硬”,这可能是你家里的一个麻烦.

大多数家庭都有硬水,无论是由私人水井还是市政当局提供的. 不幸的是, 许多人把硬水的迹象搞错了,把问题归咎于不合格的清洁剂和洗涤剂或性能不佳的电器. 或者他们接受这样一个事实,即这些问题只是一种生活方式. 事实上, many homeowners spend a significant amount of time, money and energy fighting the hard water battle. If you think your water is hard contact 买足球app推荐 to 安排水质测试.

  • 寻找什么

    Cloudy-looking glasses; spots on silverware; soap scum and bathtub rings; chalky, white scale on faucets and showerheads; stiff, dull and dingy laundry; dry skin and hair; soaps won’t lather; inefficient or poorly performing water heater; scale buildup inside water heater or pipes; shortened life expectancy of water-using appliances.

  • 该怎么做

    最常见和最具成本效益的软化水的方法是安装软水器. When hard water passes through the softening system’s resin bed, 钙和镁(硬度)离子通过离子交换过程去除, so only softened water passes through to your home. 一旦树脂床充满了硬度离子,就必须进行再生(清洗)。. 盐通常用于再生过程,使树脂恢复到“清洁”状态,这样离子交换过程就可以重新开始.

  • 我们的解决方案


造成盘子和玻璃器皿浑浊的最常见原因之一是硬水. 当水穿过土壤和岩石时,它会溶解少量的天然矿物质. 这些矿物质使你的水变硬, which means it doesn't rinse as well as soft water, and can result in a film left on the dishes. 硬水中的矿物质也会干燥到玻璃器皿的表面,形成浑浊的薄膜.

  • 寻找什么

    Cloudy or milky film covering the glass surface.

  • 该怎么做

    最常见和最具成本效益的软化水的方法是安装软水器. When hard water passes through the softening system’s resin bed, 钙和镁(硬度)离子通过离子交换过程去除, so only softened water passes through to your home. 一旦树脂床充满了硬度离子,就必须进行再生(清洗)。. 盐通常用于再生过程,使树脂恢复到“清洁”状态,这样离子交换过程就可以重新开始.

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不好的味道 & 气味

In its pristine state, water is colorless, tasteless and odorless. 事实上, 水闻起来或尝起来怪怪的是人们转向瓶装水的主要原因, 哪一种对你来说既昂贵又对环境有害?每年数百万桶石油被用来生产和运输石油,数十亿塑料瓶被填埋. 所以,如果你的水尝起来或闻起来很奇怪,你应该自己找出原因.

  • 寻找什么

    Water that has unpleasant or unusual tastes and odors. Your water has developed 气味 or tastes it did not have before.

  • 该怎么做

    确定是什么导致了我们的水有不好的味道和气味的第一步是在你的家里直接进行测试. 买足球app推荐水专业人员将执行一个完整的水分析,以定义任何和所有的水问题,并为您的家庭和预算推荐最佳的行动方案.

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Water is a natural solvent and given the time and proper conditions, it will dissolve anything it comes in contact with. 这就是为什么, 这取决于你住在哪里, your water can contain iron or manganese, which can cause rusty-橙色 or black staining. 你会在衣服、固定装置、水槽、浴缸、用水器具和厕所上看到污渍. 事实上,这些污渍会出现在你的水接触到的任何东西上. These minerals can even alter hair color! 井水中高铁含量很常见,但你所在城市的自来水也可能有铁问题.

  • 寻找什么

    Rusty stains in your toilets; white laundry is discolored; 汇 and other 固定装置 develop red, 橙色, 黄色的, tan or rusty-colored stains; water looks dirty coming out of the tap.

  • 该怎么做

    水测试是必要的,以确定你有什么类型的铁问题. 亚铁(溶解铁)在水中是看不见的,但会在衣服上留下污渍, 固定装置, 厕所和浴缸. 如果把一杯含亚铁的水放在那里,玻璃杯的底部可能会形成红褐色的沉淀物. That sediment is ferric (particulate) iron. Ferrous iron becomes ferric iron once it’s been exposed to oxygen. Ferrous iron and ferric iron require different methods of treatment.

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细菌 & 病毒。

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 仅在美国,每年就可能有多达1200万例由水传播的急性胃肠道疾病. These illnesses are frequently caused by bacteria, viruses and protozoa that make their way into the water supply. 不幸的是,这些污染物可以在环境中存活数月.

甚至得, 最先进的污水处理厂并不能保证饮用水完全不含微生物病原体. 系统故障确实会发生,并不是所有的系统都能在应有的水平上运行. 瓶装水, which is unregulated and varies considerably, may not offer any more safeguards against pathogens than tap water.

  • 寻找什么

    Gastrointestinal problems, such as nausea, diarrhea, cramps; headaches; urinary tract infections.

  • 该怎么做


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浴缸里的肥皂渣 & 淋浴

Soap scum is a white or 灰色的 filmy layer that can be found on showers, 浴缸, 汇, 浴帘, 浴室设备,甚至洗衣房. 当硬水中的矿物质与肥皂和污垢结合形成一层鳞屑时,肥皂渣就形成了. The “scum” is what’s left over after the water drains. Those with hard water are much more likely to have soap scum buildup. It can be difficult to remove if left for too long, 随着肥皂和水的持续接触,肥皂渣不断累积. 

  • 寻找什么

    白色。, 灰色的, 在阵雨中出现粘稠或混浊的薄膜, 浴缸, 汇, 浴帘, 浴室设备,甚至洗衣房.

  • 该怎么做

    为了结束与肥皂渣的斗争,你必须首先解决硬水的问题. 软水器确保你在家里得到软水, and prevents soap scum from ever forming. With soft water, your will never have to clean tough soap scum again!

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氯的味道 & 气味

从19世纪50年代开始, 氯被用作消毒剂来杀死水本身或输送水的管道中的有害细菌. It has helped end a number of major threats to public health. 尽管水中的氯在处理厂和配水系统中是必不可少的, it is no longer necessary once the water reaches your home.

虽然氯对阻止疾病传播至关重要,但它的好处是有代价的. 氯的味道和气味都很难闻. 它使皮肤和头发干燥, 会使衣服褪色(漂白剂是由氯制成的),还会使电器的橡胶密封件变干, 缩短他们的寿命.

  • 寻找什么

    Chlorine taste and smell (“pool” smell), 干燥的皮肤和头发, 褪色的衣服, 电器中干燥的橡胶密封件.

  • 该怎么做

    过量氯的许多问题可以很容易地通过饮用水过滤系统解决, or a problem water filter designed for chlorine in your drinking water.

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当水在地球上流动时,它会吸收矿物质,比如钙和镁. 当水最终进入你的家并被加热时,它会形成像岩石一样的水垢. 水垢在淋浴门和固定装置上很明显,但也会在你看不见的地方形成. Common problem areas include water pipes and hot-water-using appliances, such as your water heater and dishwasher. 房主经常购买昂贵的清洁剂和化学品来清除水垢, or chip away at it with sharp objects; however, they are often disappointed with the difficulty, expense and ineffectiveness of their efforts.

  • 寻找什么

    Chalky or crusty white or green buildup on showerheads and faucets.

  • 该怎么做

    去除家中水垢最有效的方法是使用软水器. When hard water passes through the softening system’s resin bed, 钙和镁(硬度)离子通过离子交换过程去除, so only softened water passes through to your home. 水软化剂可以在导致问题的矿物质被分配到你的管道系统之前去除它们.

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浑浊、浑浊或灰色的水通常是由溶解或悬浮的固体引起的. 这也被称为“浑浊”.“水可以自然变浑浊,也可以因建筑等土地干扰而变浑浊, 风暴和城市径流.

The turbidity of your water can range from low to high. 但即使你的水看起来很清澈,它仍然可能含有大量的溶解固体. 这就是为什么,无论您的水是否浑浊,我们都建议您进行测试.

  • 寻找什么


  • 该怎么做

    Because the level of turbidity in your water can vary greatly, even clear water can still have dissolved contaminants in it. That’s why 买足球app推荐 recommends getting your water tested. Our experts will determine if your water does have some contaminants, and offer a range options to help solve the problem.

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许多市政供水已经从氯改为氯胺来消毒和杀死饮用水中的细菌. 氯胺最常见的形成是将氨加入氯中处理饮用水. 氯胺的使用是为了在水通过管道流到你家的过程中提供更持久的水处理.

  • 寻找什么

    氯胺已被证明在摄入较高水平时会引起皮肤反应和呼吸问题. Chloramine in water can also cause lead to leach from pipes.

  • 该怎么做

    If your water contains chloramines for disinfection, 买足球app推荐提供了多种解决方案,在水进入你家的供水系统之前进行过滤.

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水槽里有蓝绿色的污渍, 浴缸和淋浴通常是由自来水微酸性或腐蚀性引起的. When low-pH water flows through copper pipes, 它会导致某些金属(如铜和铅)渗入你家的水中.

This water problem is compounded if you have hard water. 高含量的铜可以与其他硬水矿物混合,形成多种颜色的水垢.

  • 寻找什么


  • 该怎么做

    买足球app推荐 Water Professional可能会推荐软水器去除硬水中的矿物质,帮助平衡水的pH值. 你也可以选择一个更专业的系统来去除饮用水中的其他污染物. 买足球app推荐水专业人员将执行水测试以诊断您的特定水问题.

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  • 寻找什么

    又灰又脏的衣服, stiff-feeling面料, 纤维变弱导致撕裂, white or 灰色的 streaks on colored fabrics.

  • 该怎么做

    最常见和最具成本效益的软化水的方法是安装软水器. When hard water passes through the softening system’s resin bed, 钙和镁(硬度)离子通过离子交换过程去除, so only softened water passes through to your home. 水软化剂可以在导致问题的矿物质被分配到你的管道系统之前去除它们.

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砷是一种天然存在的类金属元素,通常存在于地下水中. In drinking water, it is tasteless and odorless. Most people are alarmed when they learn that their drinking water, either from a public or private water system, 可能含有一定量的砷. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 砷可以从地下的自然沉积物或工业和农业污染中进入供水系统.

  • 寻找什么

    砷 in water is tasteless and odorless, 因此,必须对水进行检测,以确定砷浓度是否升高.

  • 该怎么做

    买足球app推荐 offers a variety of options for arsenic reduction. Because the threat from arsenic is primarily from drinking water, 通常最经济的做法是只处理饮用和烹饪用水. 然而,一些房主需要更多的保护,可能会考虑整个房子的砷处理. 房主必须联系当地的县或epa认证的实验室来检测供水中的砷.

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干燥的皮肤 & 枯燥的头发

硬水中溶解的矿物质可以阻止肥皂和洗发水充分起泡并完全冲洗掉, 在你的皮肤和头发上留下薄膜. 洗了这么多次头发, the build up of leftover minerals can create a film, which can cause your hair to become dry or damaged. 用于给水消毒的化学物质,如氯,也会使皮肤和头发干燥.

  • 寻找什么

    Dry, itchy or red skin; dry, brittle hair.

  • 该怎么做

    买足球app推荐提供全系列的最先进的软水器和专业过滤器,以确保您干净, soft water flowing throughout your home. When you experience life hydrated by 买足球app推荐, you will notice an immediate difference, and you hair and skin will welcome the change! 和, 软水经常让人们停止购买乳液来对抗硬水引起的皮肤干燥的影响.

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When soap is combined with hard water minerals, 比如钙和镁, 肥皂很难有效溶解并形成丝状泡沫. 因此,有硬水的人不得不使用更多的肥皂和洗涤剂来完成这项工作.

  • 寻找什么

    Soap doesn’t lather; soap forms a 灰色的, curd-like film; using more soaps and detergents during cleaning.

  • 该怎么做

    最划算的软化水的方法是安装软水器. When hard water passes through the softening system’s resin bed, 钙和镁(硬度)离子通过离子交换过程去除, so only softened water passes through to your home. 用软水,肥皂迅速溶解,形成泡沫,很容易冲洗掉. 和, soft water requires less soap be used when washing.

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硬水中的矿物质会对你的用水器具产生负面影响, 比如热水器, 洗碗机和洗衣机. Hard water can create a buildup of mineral deposits within appliances, constricting water flow and reducing their anticipated lifespan

当使用硬水时,热水器消耗的能量明显更多. 在硬水中发现的钙和镁在加热时形成岩石状的鳞片. 矿物堆积是热的不良导体,导致热水器使用更多的能量来处理同样数量的水.

  • 寻找什么

    Mineral deposit build up in appliances and pipes, 能源费用增加, 性能差的电器, 电器中的白色或浑浊膜.

  • 该怎么做

    处理硬水最常见和最具成本效益的方法是安装软水器. When hard water passes through the softening system’s resin bed, 钙和镁(硬度)离子通过离子交换过程去除, so only softened water passes through to your home. 一旦树脂床充满了硬度离子,就必须进行再生(清洗)。. 盐通常用于再生过程,使树脂恢复到“清洁”状态,这样离子交换过程就可以重新开始.

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近年来,重金属铅一直是水工业关注的话题. 首先我们听到了铅对密歇根州弗林特市和新泽西州纽瓦克市的影响. Now it is affecting some parts of Central Ohio. 引领。 does not naturally occur in water, but it can get into water supplies via lead water supply lines. 铅供水管道可以作为社区供水基础设施的一部分存在. Your home may also have lead water pipes if it is an older home.

当铅存在于供水系统中时,它会通过饮用和洗澡、洗碗等日常活动导致过量接触铅. 过度接触铅会导致铅中毒,从而引起神经系统的健康问题.

  • 寻找什么

    铅在饮用水中没有味道、气味和颜色,因此很难检测到. 你可以联系你的市政供水供应商,看看你家是否有铅水管. 如果你的房子比较旧,你还应该看看你的房子里是否有铅水管.

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